• A legacy begins with living...

    You know your life better than anyone!

    Creating your vision is an amazing journey that connects you to the world you live in. All the people, places, and things that make life special and one of a kind. Like you. One of the threads that links our team is a passion for living well.


    Lady J

    Founder Martial Action

    and Infinite Empowerment

    Business owner since 1983.

    Prosperous Peaces

    Martial Action

    Empowerment Instead

    Independent Mannatech Associate

    Intelligent Suplementation:

    Martial Action

    VTR Technology: Superpatch 



    Wills Power

    William, 3rd Dan


    Wills World Action Team

    Business owner since 2010.

    Martial Artist



    Independent Mannatech Associate

    Intelligent Supplementation:

    Wills World Action Team

    Non-Invasive Technology:

    Wills Power


    broken image

    Diana Katz


    de Katz and

    H0t Mess Mama

    Business owner since 2010.

    Stay Home Mom


    Practical Solutions
